Our Services

VAD and Aged Care Facilities

Victorian Aged Care Facility Survey

DWDV recently commenced a survey of all Aged Care Facilities in Victoria to determine which support VAD and which do not.

Clicking the button below will open a Google map showing the location of Facilities that have responded and do support VAD.

Work on a comprehensive listing is ongoing and will be updated regularly.


We have also received responses from some facilities which do not. These are not listed.

If any Aged Care Facility wishes to be added to the list of those supporting VAD please contact DWDV by email dw**@dw**.au or phone 0491 718 63

We also encourage you to write to Aged Care Facilities in your area and offer a helpful template for your letter

Facebook Survey for Individuals

We also conducted a survey on Facebook, asking individuals about whether their choice of an Aged Care facility would be influenced by the availability of Voluntary Assisted Dying.

Read more and download the results here.

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