The Australian Centre for Health Law Research at QUT is beginning a new research project on aspects of the operation of VAD laws in Victoria. They are seeking people who are willing to participate as research subjects:

ARC Future Fellowship project. Enhancing end-of-life decision-making: Optimal regulation of voluntary assisted dying
Are you an adult with a diagnosis of terminal illness or the family member of an adult with terminal illness?
Have you been involved in decision-making about accessing voluntary assisted dying (VAD) in Victoria or supported a loved one through this process?
If you answered yes to both of these questions, we are seeking your participation in a study aiming to improve understanding of how VAD is currently regulated in Victoria. The project aims to learn from your experiences of VAD to understand how VAD can be regulated better in Australia.
Participation involves taking part in a face to face, telephone or private Zoom interview (up to an hour), at a time and location convenient for you. To find out more please contact Professor Ben White
(07 3138 4066 or bp******@qu*.au). More details about participation are also available here: