Super star VAD advocate and terminal illness sufferer, Tanya Battel, writes passionately about last week’s Queensland Environment and Health Committee inquiry.

She states that the views of ‘the dying’, appear to have been largely ignored. It’s time to make this debate about the dying person.
A better understanding would come from having had a Public Hearing day devoted wholly to those for whom the legislation is meant – the terminally ill; those who are dying. They are the ones who will share with you their real life experiences – the nitty gritty that is their day, their week, their month, their year/s – not the ones who “think” they know.
Tanya Battel, founder of VALE (Voluntary Assisted Life Ending)
It’s time to make this debate about the dying person. It’s time the debate stopped being influenced by politics and religion. It’s time politicians re-focused and thought about those of us for whom this legislation would lessen the duration of our extreme suffering.
[Source: National Secular Lobby]