
VAD Parliamentary Review Survey: We’d love to know your thoughts!

The Parliamentary review of the Victorian Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 must be conducted in the year commencing 19 June 2023. This will cover the first 4 years of VAD implementation in Victoria.

DWDV will be providing a submission. We would love to hear from you about any concerns/issues you have had/are experiencing with VAD since its implementation and how it might be enhanced.

Your responses to this survey are anonymous, and you will not be personally identifiable as a survey respondent.

There are 16 questions plus an option for additional comments, should you wish to add any.

It should only take you a few minutes to complete and we will be extremely grateful for your assistance!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. The link to your VAD Parliamentary Review Survey does not work. Has the survey closed?

    1. Hi Fiona
      I am sorry but the survey has been closed. We shall be placing the results on our website soon. The Victorian Health Minister is set to soon announce the Terms of Reference for a mandated review of the first 4 years of Voluntary Assisted Dying in Victoria. This survey must be conducted in the 5th year of operation, which will commence on June 20 this year. As soon as we hear anything we will post the news on our website. Thank you for your interest.
      The DWDV team

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